This Green Bluff Real Estate Newsletter Fall 2017 highlights featured farmer Mike and Lisa Beckman and their farm called Legacy Farm and 238 Brewing. Green Bluff Newsletter Fall 2017 - Farmer Feature Meet the Beckmans Do you pine for something more than presents this holiday season? Perhaps the best gift this year is simply time with family, friends, and your local farmers. Meet Mike & Continue Reading
Green Bluff Real Estate Newsletter – Winter/Spring 2017
Green Bluff Farmer Feature - Hidden Acres Orchard Interested in keeping up with Green Bluff farming and events? Check out the Green Bluff Growers here: Green Bluff Growers Green Bluff Farmer Feature Meet the Simchuks Though it may not be on the way from point A to B, finding Hidden Acres farm is a matter of seeking. Just as the saying goes, “Seek and you shall find.” Meet the Simchuks – Continue Reading