Winter/Spring – 2018 (Article #1) Relief from the restrictions of the Hirst ruling in October 2016 has finally come! This Washington Supreme Court decision dammed the flow of water from new wells, but it’s time to bathe in the refreshing good news from recent events. In my winter newsletter of 2017, I wrote an article called “Water, water everywhere – not a drop to drill” and highlighted the Continue Reading
Farmer Feature – Pine for Something More?
Fall/Winter – 2017 (Article) Do you pine for something more than presents this holiday season? Perhaps the best gift this year is simply time with family, friends, and your local farmers. Meet Mike & Lisa Beckman, owners of Legacy Farm and 238 Brewing located in the heart of GreenBluff. They offer a great family experience, and you can even get your gift fix there if you want. Legacy Farm Continue Reading
What’s Eating Gilbert’s Grape?
Summer/Fall – 2017 (Article #1) Have you ever gone out to the garden or orchard only to find that someone or something other than you is eating the fruit of your labor? Maybe it’s a sneaky neighbor, or maybe it was that squirrel that stole my peaches when I went on vacation a few years ago and left me feeling like the pits. But, could it also be something else? Whether you’re farming Continue Reading
Farmer Feature – Hidden Acres Farm
Winter/Spring – 2017 (Article #2) Though it may not be on the way from point A to B, finding Hidden Acres farm is a matter of seeking, just as the saying goes, “Seek and you shall find.” Meet the Simchuks – Nick, Caitlin, and their daughter Ariana. Nick is a 3rd generation Green Bluff farmer, and his family works hard to provide the community with quality food based upon their farm Continue Reading
Water, Water Everywhere – Not a Drop to Drill!
Winter/Spring - 2017 (Article #1) Getting a building permit has become more complicated as a result of a Whatcom County court case called the Hirst decision, which has statewide effects. It basically used to be ‘if you’ve got it, use it’, but it now appears to be ‘if you’ve got it, prove it’ – water, that is. Before this case, an applicant Continue Reading